作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2007-09-30 点击次数:777
倪中秀1,2,   吕   律1,   龚   潇1
(1.合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽 合肥   230009;2.皇冠博彩纺织工程系,安徽 合肥   230051)
AbstractThis article brings forward the idea of removing negative ion dye from wastewater by synthesizing Mg2+, Al+ layer double hydroxide (LDH) in situ, using the mechanism of synthesizing LDH,and the feasibility is studied. The ultimate is,when treating with the wastewater, Mg2+、Al3+ hydrolyze and deposit together to come into being LDH, the negative ion dye inserts into the layer space first to balance positive charge in order to be removed by the shape of LDH deposition.This mechanism is approved by the simulating wastewater experiment and the structure analysies. Removal of negative ion dye is studied from the viewpoint of reaction time,pH,Mg/Al ratio and temperature.The result shows that, in normal temperature, when pH is 9.0.the reaction time is 2 hours, Mg/Al ratio is 2 so that the removal efficiency of negative ion dye is the best .
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥   230051)
AbstractBurning performance and flame retardant finishing characteristics of the polyester-cotton fabric are analysed in the paper, which accounts for the difficulties in  flame retardant finishing process and the reason why the production of  flame retardant polyester-cotton fabric may fail, and puts forward the solution.
武松梅1,2,   袁传刚1,2
(1.东华大学纺织学院,上海   200051;2.皇冠博彩纺织工程系,安徽 合肥   230051)
AbstractThe application and effective mechanism of function fibers for filtration nonwovens are demonstrated in the paper. The several illustrations of performances and application of filtration materials made by function fibers are presented as well.
钱   洁1,   金传鼎2
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥   230051)
AbstractArmhole depth, sleeve cap height and width as well as sleeve cap curve are the important factors in defining modern sleeve shapes. The paper analyzes the changes of different sleeve shapes in the form of circular cut sleeve and makes some discussions about how to establish the structure in the changes of sleeve shapes in order to make the garment applicable, beautiful and comfortable.
(绵阳水电校,四川 绵阳   621000)
AbstractThe prototype algorithm of human-simulated intelligent control (HSIC) was proposed by Zhou Qijian in 1979. Currently, the basic theoretical system and systematic design method of HSIC have been in their shape and successfully applied in many practical applications, such as swing-up control of cart-pendulum system, etc. The paper demonstrates good superiorities in realtime control and robust control. HSIC has shown promising prospects as an ideal intelligent control algorithm.
郑小刚1,   穆莉莉2
(1.上海铁路局阜阳车辆段,安徽 合肥   230011;2. 安徽理工大学机械工程系,安徽 淮南   232001)
AbstractThe major point of this paper is the application of image processing system based on DSP where manifold algorithm can be realized on railway spot by combining the project known as the malfunction remote monitoring system of unmanned room, which is  supported by Shanghai Railway’s Administration Science Foundation. The remote image, audio transmission and experiments are also investigated. The results show that this system is universal and it can gain better effect in practical application.
(安徽省纺织工业设计院,安徽 合肥   230001)
AbstractThe frame should work together with shear wall in the frame-shearwall structure. The paper illustrates the principle of rational arrangement of shearwall in the structure from the virwpoint of study and practice.
冯时海1,   杨东君2
(1.安徽省巢湖市路桥工程有限公司,安徽 巢湖   238000;   2.安徽省公路勘测设计院,安徽 合肥   230041)
AbstractThe paper puts forward the mechanism of pile reinforcement of soft soil ground and the technical process of its construction, and discusses its  application in highway construction and technology of quality examination.
蒋   娟
(安徽大学  法学院,安徽  合肥   230039)
AbstractSystem of victim-offender mediation is one of the important contemporary measures of judicial reforms in the world.Owning to the double values of the criminal settlement in just and efficiency,the criminal settlement system should be reasonably introduced.Aimed at making the reality of social harmony,we should set up Chinese-style system of criminal reconciliation actively in our country.
张   琦
(兰州理工大学 人文学院,甘肃 兰州   730050)
AbstractRecently, it frequently takes place that the workers’ rights are infringed. The important reason is that the Labor Union hasn’t played its own role. The system of Labor Union, which was built in the planned economy times, couldn’t achieve function-protecting workers’ rights.We must make Labor Union Law more perfect and build the new Labor Union system by moving around the protective function of Labor Union. Only that way can it make the Labor Union be the organization for protecting workers’ rights.
充分发挥比较优势  努力提升安徽外贸竞争力
(安徽省人民政府办公厅,安徽 合肥   230001)
AbstractBased upon international trade theories, this paper makes detailed analyses of current situation of foreign trade development in Anhui Province, probes Anhui’s comparative advantages, and puts forward the measures to further enhance foreign trade in Anhui Province.
(安徽人民广播电台,安徽 合肥   230009)
AbstractIn recent years, more and more people have accepted and paid attention to the broadcast media. The advantages of radio advertising have become prominent gradually. This paper mainly  discusses the features of broadcast media, and analyses the advantages of radio ads and potential development of broadcasting compared with other advertising media.
(皇冠博彩 纺织工程系,安徽 合肥   230051)
AbstractFormation of product’s color image is from the people’s cognition of product’s color. Products form the language which links up products themselves and men through the factors, such as their models, colors and quality  as well as the cultural significance in the externcl cultural environment. As a part of brand culture, color plays an important part  in the development of design, manufacture and marketing to express the connotation and fashion of brand culture. Nowadays, the strategy of color marketing has been paid more and more attention and business people have all realized the effect of low cost but high additional value from color.
李   鑫,   陈   刚
(合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院,安徽  合肥   230009)
AbstractDue to the rapid increase of private vehicals, the parking problem has become very prominent. The paper analyzes the reasons and characteristics of parking problems in residential districts, summarizes the psychology and habits of parking of residents, and puts forward reasonabte suggestions after analyzing several parking methods, which may be profitable reference for the economical parking methods in construction practice.
揭示人生残忍   悲悯生命冷酷
(广东河源职业技术学院教育系,广东 河源   517000)
AbstractThis article discusses “Thunderstorm”  from characters’  sufferings,creational aspiration, life experience and so on, and it shows that the works contains the theme of revealing the cruelty and grief of living and the callousness of life. The author suffers from pain,grief and sorrow because the cruelty of living is inevitable. The works exposes human being’s living troubles, guides the people to ponder and experience the cruelty of living.
戚而能谐   婉而多讽
(安庆纺织技工学院,安徽 安庆   246003)
Abstract“The Scholars” by Wu Jingzi is a masterpiece among satire novels in the history of Chinese literature. Among the reasons why it profoundly describes all kinds of ugly phenomena as well as the corruption and darkness among scholars at the end of Chinese feudal society, the most important one is the excellent satire art used in the novel. The author is good at summarizing and processing all kinds of common phenomena in daily social life. In that way, with great concentration, he generalized and abstracted the reality of life so vividly that the novel has achieved artistic effect which is serious but humorous, persuasive but satirical.
(安徽建筑工业学院,安徽 合肥   230022)
AbstractCaring health and treasuring life is the everlasting subject of improving human life quality. In this paper, the theory and practical methods of health preserving between ancient  China and western countries are compared, and the similarities between Chinese and western cultures are revealed.
(安徽财贸职业学院,安徽 合肥   230601)
AbstractAt present, under the influence of Chinese traditional culture, people’s thinking model and their value concepts  are recessive and powerful factors to the reform of our athletic basketball sports. The intuitive thinking which makes the theoretic research neither deep nor practical, the view that regards the national interest as the highest value but  ignores individual’s willness and demands, and the government which intervenes the professional basketball too much,all these factors make it difficult to form the market principles in professional basketball quickly.
陈德胜,   赵建玲,   徐   刚
(安徽大学社会学系,安徽 合肥   230039)
AbstractRight now, some college student Party members can not meet the requirements of progressiveness. In some colleges, there are some problems in the management and the education of student Party members.Therefore, adequate attention to the Party’s basic theory of education, establishment  and improvement of student Party members’ education management system, theme practical activities sturdily, and strengthening of  the building of Party branches are the significant tasks of all levels of the Party organization after the progressiveness education activities are changed into regular work.
(合肥职业教育中心,安徽 合肥   230011)
AbstractEmotional edueation is an important factor and component in ideological and political education in which the students’ emotional quality must be respected and cultivated in order to develop their emotional control abilities to promote them to form active emotional experience for study, life and other things. Therefore, they will form independent characteristics so that they will  be fully developed.
(广州大学纺织服装学院,广东 广州   510310)
   要:在思想政治理论课教学实践中, 传统的理论灌输教育的注入式教学方法已不能适应现代社会对人才培养的需要,而将案例教学法引入课堂教学,可以有效调动学生的积极性,促进教与学的良性互动,增强思想政治理论课教学的实效性。
AbstractDuring the teaching practice for theoretical and political lesson, the traditional teaching method doesn’t meet the need of talent development any more in modern society. On the contrary, the case teaching method can be more effective to motivate the students and improve the good interaction between teaching and learning. It can also strengthen the practical function of the teaching.
汪冬梅,  尤显卿,  风  仪,  刘  宁,  郑玉春,  刘   玉
(合肥工业大学材料科学与工程学院, 安徽 合肥   230009)
AbstractCollege should cultivate and improve talents with high creative qualities with the coming of knowledge-economic era. The paper makes research and discussions about innovation to traditional engineering courese in colleges from the combination of science and engineering as well as the talents’ cultivation metal material engineering major.
(皇冠博彩, 安徽 合肥   230051)
   要:文章论述了高等职业技术院校英语教学的现状,并以皇冠博彩英语教学改革为实例,介绍了该院在建构主义教学理论指导下的大学英语多媒体网络辅助教学的英语教学模式改革中的尝试和经验,  这种英语教学新模式的实验经验表明网络辅助英语教学有助于促进学生个性化自主学习,提高学生英语综合水平。
AbstractThis paper attempts to take Anhui Vocational and Technical College as an example and introduce the background for the reform of college English teaching and the action for this reform. Furthermore, the paper attempts to introduce a successful example concerning the establishment of a new model for college English teaching, providing a meaningful experience for the improvement of individual autonomous learning and the development of English level.
Journal Writing在高中英语写作训练中的应用
(黄山市外国语学院,安徽 黄山   254000)
摘   要:文章通过对历年高考英语作文常用题型的分析,总结了考生在高考英语作文写作中容易出现的四个问题,介绍了在高中英语教学中如何通过使用Journal  Writing的写作训练,培养学生的写作习惯,提高英语写作能力。
Abstract:After analyses and careful summarization of the common English writing styles and problems the students have met in the College Entrance Examinatioon. The paper advocates that the students should develop a habit of journal writing, which can help construct students’ writing skills and their confidence.
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