作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2007-06-30 点击次数:744
(合肥学院思想政治理论研究中心,安徽 合肥 230001)
摘 要:未成年大学生是当代大学生中的特殊群体,他们在思想活动和行为取向上具有自身的规律性。根据未成年大学生群体中存在的特殊问题,有针对性地进行思想道德教育,是进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的必然要求。
Abstract Minor college students are a special group in colleges at present and they have their own patterns in mental activities and behaviororientation. According to the distinctive issues in this group, the education in ideology and morality with a clear aim is of great importance to the reinforcement and improvement of the education of college students’ thought and political educational work.
张林松, 段宝彬
(合肥学院 数理系,安徽 合肥 230022)
摘 要:文章根据独立随机变量序列的Wittmann型强大数律,推广到PA序列的Wittmann型强大数律,并且由此得到一些相关的推论。
Abstract: According to the Wittman strong law of large numbers of independent random variables, the Wittman strong law of large numbers of PA random variables’ sequences is extanded so that some deductions are obtained in this paper.
葛新亚, 高睿君
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:人生80%以上的时间是在室内度过的,室内环境的优劣会给人们的生活带来巨大的影响。文章对各种建筑及建筑装修材料中可能产生的对人体健康造成极大危害的有害物质进行了分析,并提出了控制和防治室内环境污染的方法与措施。
Abstract 80% of human life is spent indoors, and the indoors enviroment has great influence on human being. The paper analyzes the pernicious materials from various architectures and architectural decoration materials which are harmful to human body and presents several methods and measures for the control and prevention of this kind of pollution.
胡 坤1,2
(1.合肥工业大学 电气与自动化工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009;2.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章通过对高速摄影测量仪数字测角系统输出的角度数据从22位BCD码到18位二进制码的硬件译码设计过程的论述,具体分析了设计中的确保精度问题;同时着重探讨利用VHDL硬件描述语言实现电路逻辑设计的方法,对利用VHDL语言设计大规模高集成度电路有一定的参考价值。
Abstract With the help of angular data output by the digital angular system of the highspeed photogrammetric apparatus, and from the hardware decode design process of 22figure BCD code word to 18figure binary code, this paper analyses the issue of how to ensure precision in decode design. At the same time,a study is made of the methods of circuit logic design with VHDL hardware des cription language, which is valuable for high integration density circuit of large scale to use the VHDL language.
(安徽省阜阳市公路管理局,安徽 阜阳 236000)
摘 要:文章以一工程实例叙述了采用弹塑性有限元法预测加筋土边坡的稳定性的方法;给出了不同设计方案下的位移,并分析了土体力学参数对边坡最大水平位移的影响。结果分析表明,土体的弹性模量、内摩擦角与粘聚力是影响边坡位移的重要因素。这些土力学参数与边坡最大水平位移呈非线性关系,且有呈观临界点的趋势。因此,适当控制填土的力学性能参数有助于达到安全节省的设计目标。
AbstractIn this paper a practical case of predicting the displacements of the reinforced slope with or without retaining wall by elastoplastic finite element method is introduced.A comparison of the displacements is made between different designs and the effects of properties of the backfill on the horizontal displacements are analyzed.The results indicate that elastic modulus,the angle of internal friction,and cohesive stress of the backfill are main factors affecting the stability of the slope.There exist nonlinear relations between the factors and the maximum horizontal displacements,and every curve seems to approach its critical point.Thus it is easily figured out that proper controlling of the soil parameters tends to help us to reach the goal of the design with safety and cost saving.
(皇冠博彩 社科部,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:邓小平的社会主义本质论是马克思主义中国化第二座丰碑中的一块基石。十一届三中全会以后,邓小平以巨大的政治和理论勇气,通过长期思考和反复论证,抓住当代社会主义首要的基本理论问题,即什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义,深刻揭示了社会主义本质,从而把我们对社会主义的认识提高到了新的高度。
AbstractThe Theory of Socialism Essence is a fundational stone of the seond monument of Maxism applied in China. After the Third Session of the 11th  Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Xiaoping, with grand politial and theorical courage, brought the socialism essence to light by longterm consideration and demonstration, by insiting on applying the bassical achievements of scientific socialist theory and practice and grasping the essentical theory of modem socialism, that is, what socialism is, how to build up socialism and the nature of socialism. His theory leads us to a new scientific level to recognize socialism.
周 辉1,2
(1.武汉科技学院 新闻与传播研究所,湖北 武汉 430073;2.武汉科技学院 人文社科学院,湖北 武汉 430073)
摘 要:从21世纪初开始,伴随着日渐活跃的新闻娱乐化的实践,“新闻娱乐化”开始进入中国的媒介研究领域并日益成为一个热点。文章分析了新闻娱乐化现象的本质属性,研究了应当如何进行解读和使用“新闻娱乐化”这个外来的概念等方面的问题。在当前中国社会大力建设和谐社会、并已经取得巨大成就的历史背景下,对这一问题的深入研究对于中国现阶段的新闻实践活动无疑显得尤其重要。
AbstractSince the beginning of this new century,research on news entertainment in China has attracted more and more attention with the development of the practice of new activities. This article analyzes the essence of news entertainment in China, and studies how to understand and how to deal with this newly proposed external concept——the news entertainment. It should be emphasized that, under the historical background in which the current Chinese society is constructing a harmonious society and has obtained great success, this kind of research must be very important for news practice in China.
吴 蕾
(四川大学法学院,四川 成都 610064)
摘 要:法律与道德,存在着融合、疏离、互补、互动的关系。现代社会倡导正确认识和处理法律与道德,正确认识法治与德治的关系,在现代社会现实中存在着在实施德治方略与法治方略的时候陷入误区的问题,使得德治与法治产生冲突,正确地认识这些冲突有利于使社会更好地发展。
AbstractThere exist relations of integration estranging, mutualcomplement and interaction between law and moral. It is advocated to realize and conduct law and moral and understand the relationship between rule by law and rule by moral in modern society. There also exist longstanding mistaken ideas in the conduction of rele by law or rule by moral so that conflicts are caused. It is very important for the development of society to correctly realize these conflicts.
(安徽行政学院经管系,安徽 合肥 230001)
摘 要:审计风险及其防范是现代社会日益关注的话题,审计风险的控制是会计师事务所管理的核心问题,也是审计理论界研究和讨论的热点问题之一。文章从审计风险的涵义出发,分析其形成的原因及其特点,有针对性地提出了控制审计风险的措施。
AbstractThe audit risks and the precaution are a hot topic in modern society. The control of the audit risks is a key issue in any accontant institution, and also it is one of the hot spots which the audit theory circles concern. The paper proceeds from the implication of the audit risks, analyzes the reason and characteristics of its forms, and points out the measures which can control the risks.
庞 磊1, 王宇新2
(1.铜陵有色金属集团公司,安徽 铜陵 244000;2.合肥工业大学 人文经济学院,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:在正态分布、t分布和广义误差分布三种不同的分布假设下,利用GARCH(1,1)和EGARCH(1,1)模型对上海股市进行了实证比较研究,结果表明基于t分布假设下的EGARCH模型拟合效果最好,更能准确的描述上海股市的波动性。
AbstractIn this paper GARCH(1,1) and EGARCH(1,1) models are used to study the Shanghai Stock Market under three different distributions such as normal distribution, student t distribution and generalized error distribution. The empirical results show that the EGARCH model under student t distribution is the best model to fit the volatility of Shanghai Stock Market.
周 俊
(安徽建工技师学院,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:基于存货期末计价的重要性以及《皇冠博彩》和《亚洲博彩公司平台》对此规定的粗糙性,文章主要分析在不同情况下,可变现净值确定的价格基础,多种材料生产一种产品时其存货跌价准备是否需要分摊,一种材料同时生产多种产品时,其可变现净值计价基础的确定等问题。
AbstractThe paper mainly analyzes the price basis of variable net value under different conditions, whether price drop should be shared when one kind of products is made of various materials, or how the variabte net value will be determined when various products are made of one material, based on the importance of evaluation at the end of stock period and the roughness of “Norms for Enterprise Accounting” and “System for Enterprise Accounting”.
王可为, 吴盛光
(惠州经济职业技术学院,江西 惠州 516257)
摘 要:新契约主义是地方政府治理的一种全新理论和战略工具。新契约主义的勃兴缘于地方政府治理中传统官僚制的式微、后工业社会对新治理模式的呼唤及契约理论在社会科学的复兴特别是政治学和经济学契约主义的复归。新契约主义有三种治理形态:市场式模式、企业型政府和新公民治理。新契约主义的再生为地方政府治理提供了“再造良方”和“发展图景”。
AbstractThe doctrine of new contact is a new reasearch method and strategic tool for administration of local government, it originated from the declining of traditional bureaucracy in local governmantal administration, the appeal of new administratival model of postindustrial society and revival of theroy of contact in social science, especially the return of politics and doctrine of contract in economics. There are three forms of this doctrine: market model, enterprise model and new civil government. The revival of the doctrine provides the governmental reform with recreation methods and developing prespect.
杨 山
(安徽省六安市公路局,安徽 六安 237000)
摘 要:文章从设备的选配、使用、管理、维护、核算等方面进行了讨论,指出市场经济条件下设备管理必须以经济利益为纽带,利用现代设备管理的先进理论与手段对设备选、养、修、用进行协调平衡。
AbstractThis article carries out the discussion from the match, use, management, maintenance, calculation of equipment and so on. It points out that the equipment management must take the economic interest as the link under the market economy’s condition, and advanced theories and methods of modern equipment management should be taken to balance its choices, maintenance, repair and use.
(广州城市职业学院,广东 广州 510230)
摘 要:对于写作人才不仅要有公认的准确的理论,而且还要有统一而又规范的适应社会各种职业需要的鉴定系统。文章论述了写作人才鉴定的意义,探讨了写作人才鉴定的本质,从类型、层次等角度对写作人才鉴定进行了分析,提出了写作人才鉴定的程序。
AbstractThere should not only be an generllyaccepted and authenticate thorey, but also a uniform and scientific appraising system for different occupations in the society. The paper discusses the significance of appraisal of writing talented persons and its nature and puts forward the appraising sequence from the analyses of the talents’ appraisal from the angle of the kinds and level of these talents.
(合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:书籍及其装帧的性质和形式决定了书籍封面的文化性和艺术性。装帧设计在近两百年的发展过程中,给社会和人类提供了极大的方便,促进了人们的信息传达,刺激了思想的沟通和交流,也同时形成了一种新的视觉艺术和视觉文化。如今,中国一部分装帧设计家开始在注重本国民族化、传统化精神的前提下,重塑新形态的书籍,把传统符号的精神元素融入现代书籍装帧设计之中。
AbstractBooks and the property and form of their binding and layout determine the culture and artistry of the bookcovers. During the 200year’s development, the design of books’ binding and layout has provided the society and man with great convenience, promoted the information transmission among people, stimulated the communication and exehange of ideas and formed a kind of visual art and visual culture at the same time. Nowadays, some designers of books’ binding and layout in China pay more attention to national characteristics and tradition to rebuild new forms of books and put the spiritual elements of traditional symbols into modern decration of books.
(安徽国际商务职业学院,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:委婉语是英汉两种语言共有的语言现象。文章从委婉语产生的心理根源,委婉语的语义分类以及其社会功能方面探讨英汉委婉语的共同点,以帮助我们更好地学习和掌握语言技巧。
AbstractEuphemism is a kind of linguistic phenomena. This paper is mainly concerned with     the common facts in both English and Chinese euphemism, which exist in their classification of meaning and social roles.
赵 冰
(安徽师范大学政法学院,安徽 芜湖 241003)
摘 要:和谐社会建设的文化基础是和谐理念,学院教育是其培养的重要途径。师生是校园的两大主体,师生和谐的构建对和谐理念的培养有着重要意义,因此师生和谐就成为构建和谐校园的核心。构建新型师生和谐,必须对传统的师生和谐观作出当代解读,除了尊师重教、师道尊严、教学相长之外,还必须强调教师与学生之间的民主、合作与共享。
AbstractThe cultural foundation that harmonious society will be built on, is the idea of ‘harmony’, and school education is an important approach to cultivate the idea. Teachers and students are two important subjects on campus, and constructing harmonious relations between teachers and students has vital significance to cultivate the idea. Therefore, harmonious relations between teachers and students become the core of building harmonious campus. Besides respecting teathers and education, maintaining teachers’ honor and stateliness as well as promoting by teaching and learning each other, the traditional idea on harmonious relations must be explained at the contemporary era and democracy, cooperation and communion between teachers and students should be emphasized.
(黄冈职业技术学院,湖北 黄冈 438002)
摘 要:高职教育尚处于幼年期,教育教学中还有许多亟待发展的方面,其核心是教学设计思想没有形成和范式没有统一和规范,与普通高等教育在理论上没有区别开来。文章尝试从高职教学设计思想入手,研究高职教育的性质、层次、定位、办学理念、教学方案等基本问题,并从人类文化分类入手,找出高职教育与普通高教的本质区别,提出了较为理想的高级技能型人才培养的教学方案与范式。
AbstractThe vocational education still lies in the primary stage in our country. There are many unsatisfactory aspects in education and teaching. Its core is that the thought of teaching design has not been formed and the model is not uniform and standard. Theoretically, it has not been distinguished with the ordinary higher education. This article attempts to research basic questions of vocational education based on vocational teaching design concepts such as nature, level, orientation, school idea, teaching plan and so on; meanwhile, to discover the essential differences between the vocational education and the ordinary higher education; it also proposes the ideal teaching plan and the model of training highlevel and skilled personnel based on human cultural classification.
解 滨
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章围绕高职院校计算机文化基础教学中存在的问题,分析新时期对计算机基础教学的要求,提出了分级教学的教学模式设想,并探讨了具体的实施方法。
AbstractThis article discusses the existing problems in the elementary teaching of computer science in vocational and technical colleges, makes an analysis of the new requirements for the teaching of computer science in the new times, proposes some ideas of the leveltolevel teaching models, and probes into the concrete implementations in the teaching practice.
龙 翔, 邰秀林
(西南大学荣昌校区动物科学系, 402460)
摘 要:动物繁殖学是一门具有较强操作性的学科,对学生的实验技能和专业基础要求较高。为进一步提高实验教学质量,必须改革实验课教学模式,更新实验课教学内容,改善实验课教学条件。本文对该课程改革的思路和初步实践进行了有益的探索和总结。
Abstract“Animal Reproduction” is a kind of subject with strong sense of experiment so that the students’ abilities in experiment and basis of their major knowledge are very important. The model of experiment teaching should be reformed, the content of the course be renewed and the condition be improved to enhance the quality of teaching. The paper makes exploration and summary of the reform of this coures.
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:随着现代篮球运动的发展,心理训练的作用愈加显示出其重要性,文章从控制运动员情绪稳定的角度出发,分析影响篮球运动员情绪的因素,探讨了加强篮球运动员情绪稳定训练的几种方法,为培养出具备良好心理品质的运动员提供了有益的探索。
AbstractAlong with the development of the modern basketball sport, the affection of psychologytraining becomes more important. From the angle of players’ stable emotion, this paper analyses the factors which can influence the basketball players’ emotion, and investigates some training methods to improve their stable emotion, in order to help them have good psychological quality.
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:“快乐体育”教学是一种“寓教于乐”的体育教学理念,文章通过对“快乐体育”教学的内涵解读,阐述了“快乐体育”教学实施的原则,提出了在高等院校中开展“快乐体育”教学的实施方法。
AbstractHappy PE teaching is a kind of “instruction by pleasurable means” teaching ideas. The paper describes the implementation of happy PE by explaining its connotation and presents the methods of launching happy PE in colleges.
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